//Isya Miz Lollypop.
The Princess

Farisya Rahim
Pontian , Ayer Baloi
Taken by (Greyson Chance)

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OMG!Tentang Dhia last episode..
Monday, 13 February 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?

OMG,,,so sad Tentang dhia is last...
Who behold?
And who is follow the story??
Isya so sad..
Isya actally not in time want to behold the story is last...
So,,isya behold in..
Are you know where isya behold??
Tonton Tv3 in internet....
If you all want to see,,krang can CLICK HERE ..
But you all incur register dlu au..
There in you all behold assorted the story..
But just the story in tv3 only..
Doesn't the channel disparet.

Thanks for reading :)

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